

This is a rp blog for a character of my own creation. Her story and headcanons are completely original, so please don’t steal them, however the concept of the Knights of Ren is not my own so I do not take credit for this. I am not, of course, affiliated with any of the actors on this blog and other generic star wars lore is of course not my own.

This blog is mutuals only and semi-selective in terms of who I follow and follow back.

I am open to shipping as long as our muses have chemistry and we click ooc. However, Lumiya is not an easy muse to ship with so if that's the reason you're here, I'd recommend not following. I also do not ship with minors. I will not write smut for no other reason than I am just not comfortable with it. A fade to black is preferred if it is needed.

I am more than happy to interact with ocs and multimuses as long as there is some sort of bio/dossier or muse page available to me.

I won't be following blogs still using deceased actors/actresses as their fcs as I find this a bit disrespectful.

Please reblog memes and gifsets from the source where possible.

Hate is not tolerated on this blog. Please ensure vague posts are tagged with a content warning. If there are multiple instances of untagged vague posting, I will unfollow for my own sanity.

This also applies to character hate. We all have different opinions on characters, and that is perfectly fine. What isn't fine is hating on a character for no real reason other than that you don't like them. Please either tag these sorts of posts or just ... don't post them.

Obviously this doesn't apply to real world events that are happening. I also do not mind callouts on the dash, as long as they are tagged.

There will be triggering content on this blog due to the nature of the muse. I'll tag these with tw: ___

All icons are made by myself with a PSD and border from jaynedits.
All edits and promo's are made by myself unless otherwise stated. I either use a different PSD for these; one that was gifted by a friend who no longer uses Tumblr or one of jaynedits.

Lastly, thank you for reading through these rules ! My name is Ivy, I'm 25 and live in the UK. I have many many blogs so might not always be active here. I also have a very busy life away from tumblr so that might also keep me away from my blogs. That in no way means I'm ignoring you however, and if we're mutuals you can always be free to ask me for my discord!

Lumiya Baize.

Name: Lumiya Reina Baize .
Alias: Lumi, Knight.
Age: 25.
Place of birth: Avidich, Unknown Regions.
Current Residence: Starkiller base.
Current Occupation: Knight of Ren.
Parents: Drinna and Rasidol Baize ( deceased )
Siblings: None.
Sexuality: Bisexual.

Height: 5 ft 5 inch.
Hair: Blonde.
Eye Colour: Blue.
Build: Muscular.
Scars: Thin, jagged scar just missing her left eye.
Faceclaim: Sydney Sweeney.

Mild force sensitivity
Pick pocketing
Hand to hand combat
Weaponry skills ( proficient and highly skilled with her double throwing axes )
Above average survival skills
Navigational skills and piloting.

Two throwing vibroaxes - with her at all times.
Blaster pistol & various daggers.

Steel mask with a crack over the left eye and padded clothing with metallic detailing welded to the shoulder armour. Gloves with metallic detailing welded over the knuckles.

Lumiya Baize / CONTINUED.

You don't remember your parents any longer, a glimmer of a smile perhaps, a distant scent of lavender that you assume must have been your mother. But the harshness of your life now has fragmented anything you might remember of the before. Before you knew the pain of hunger, before you became acquainted with the sensation of your breath freezing as it leaves your lips.

You've lived upon the streets of Avidich since you were eleven years old, hardened now to the ways you've had to change to survive. Pickpocketing from any travellers unaware of the desperation found within the streets of your city, selling the wares for enough credits to eat. And when that failed you stole food too. It's in learning to steal that you learnt of your abilities; they call it the force, or the shadow, to you it's hope.

You're fourteen when you're found, though he likes to think that he saved you. They'd caught you stealing, but you'd figured out how to use the force to trick others into helping you, but you're stopped before you're able to. A hand at your arm, a man offering to pay your debt. -- Talyk, he said his name was. Your so called "saviour" did not have a home either, but they were far more equipped to live this way. Talyk taught you to fight without relying on your abilities, starting with hand to hand before working you up to using actual weapons. It's here you touch a throwing axe for the first time, your fingers curling around the handle as though they'd been made for one another. Sometimes your weapon chooses you. he tells you, but perhaps you chose each other. It is here you earn yourself your scar, and it is here that your faith in Talyk begins to degrade.

In return for all Talyk was teaching you, he forced you to supress your connection to the force. He recognised the path you were on, had heard stories of Jedi's - Talyk told you that using the force how you were was a journey that would only lead you to darkness. You couldn't help but wonder: would darkness really be so different? So bad? The force was all you had left that was truly your own, but he told you that it was for your own safety. That if the Grysk knew of your existence, they would take you and use you for their own gain for the rest of your life.

You tried to push the connection away, to untether yourself from the pull, but it only bubbled inside you. Whispering to you, telling you that your mentor was jealous of your power; that they wanted to use you themselves. Perhaps he didn't care about you like you thought he did. If he did, why would he cut you off from your hope? Could a life with the Grysk truly be worse than the one you had now?

By the time the Knights of Ren passed through your planet, you'd grown angry and spiteful. Not just towards your mentor but the planet and the people upon it. None of them wanted to help, none of them cared. They didn't deserve your love, nor your loyalty. No one did.

You'd heard stories of the Knights of Ren, knew of the steep cost to join their ranks. But they also were perhaps the only people in the galaxy that might understand you. They too knew what it felt like to be pulled towards the darkest of shadows, they could be your new family - one who would not hinder you.

And so, when the Knights blazed through your city, you stood before them at the age of seventeen telling them you wished to pledge yourself to them, no matter the cost. It was with the blood of your mentor on your hands that you became a part of their ranks. You did not hesitate, nor did you apologise. They deserved their death for everything they'd deprived you of.

You have been with the Knights ever since, growing and bettering yourself with them. Participating in their chaos and destruction without complaint or question.

And when Kylo Ren defeated your leader, you did not hesitate in pledging yourself to his service. This was your family, and the fight had been fair and equal. You do not consider Kylo Ren your leader, however, just as you did not consider Ren your leader.

You and the rest of the Knight's continue in your reign of terror and chaos as Kylo Ren trains to hone his force abilities -- a choice you do not agree with. The Shadow lives in you all and you allow it to do as it pleases, it is not something to be tamed; just as you are not something to be tamed. You remain upon the Night Buzzard, though when Kylo Ren summons the Knights after the murder of Snoke, you heed his call and you assist in his plans. However you resent his self-given title as "Master of the Knights" -- no one was your master. You belonged to no one but yourself, thus was the point of the Knights.

And when Kylo Ren falls upon the surface of Exegol, you do not join your brethren in fighting him for you have never been loyal to Palpatine nor to Kylo Ren. You care little of his breaking of his oath, instead pleased to be free of the leash ever tightening around your neck. After the fall of Kylo Ren, you return to retrieve The Ren ( the lightsaber used by the original Ren ), and you vow to rebuild the Knights -- to return to your true destructive nature.


Set before Lumiya finds the Knights. She is living on the streets of Avidich with Talyk, her mentor. Her time with the Knights before Kylo Ren takes over is also included in this verse.

Set during her time with the Knights of Ren, under Kylo Ren's control and carrying out his will as and when required and without question.

Set after the fall of Kylo Ren -- Lumiya is now in possession of the saber known as The Ren, and is rebuilding the Knights.


Similar concept to her canon, however it is a Prince that she finds and pledges herself to, carrying out their will as a trained Knight.

Similarly to her canon, Lumi grows up without a home, living rough on the streets. She's taken under the wing of an older man, though she grows to resent him for her life. Eventually she finds the Knights, a gang of people just like her. The price of entry is just as bloody, but she's willing to pay it to live a better life.

Lumiya lives on the streets, her mentor attempting to keep her from the clutches of ORION - an underground organisation similar to that of HYDRA. She still has mild mind altering abilities in this verse ( similar to how the force works ). Eventually she ends up willingly joining ORION, who test her willingness to comply by ordering her to cut all ties with her previous life. She does this by killing her mentor, thus becoming an internal guard within the organisation and later a tracker to find others like her.